Gucci Off The Grid Collection

Gucci Off The Grid Collection

For a legendary fashion house that was a leader in the fur and exotic skins category, GUCCI has come a long way. They were one of the first luxury companies to ban fur and it seems like steps are continuing to be made in the right direction. While they still have a way to go to deem themselves “sustainable” (a word that is both dangerously trendy and equally misleading to the consumer); their new collection, modeled brilliantly and intentionally by activist and actress Jane Fonda, highlights new fabrics that align with the VETTED ethos, even though some details, recycled leather for example, absolutely do not. ⁣ ⁣

While I know some of you may be ready to jump down my throat for showcasing a collection that includes small leather accents, the truth of the matter is this; the fashion industry has operated in harmful, destructive, and abusive ways for decades. Not only to animals, but to the environment and to workers. The steps this legendary fashion house is taking is hopefully a sign that change is imminent. As consumers, we can advance the change more rapidly by demanding products that are responsible, environmentally supportive, and free of all animal-based materials.⁣

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Gucci has summarized their vision for the “Off the Grid” collection here. ⁣ ⁣